Thursday, April 30, 2009

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Current situation in Germany

blue = suspected case
yellow = suspected case negative
red = swine flu
confirmed green = convalescent swine flu

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WHO increased alert level from 4 to 5

The WHO has lifted the evening their flu alert level of 4 to 5.
It was the second tightening since the beginning of the week. In stage 5, WHO believes that the virus can spread, worldwide, most countries are at this stage but not yet affected. "The declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and the time for completion of the organization and implementation of the planned Protection is short, "it says in the remarks.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

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first dead outside Mexico

For the first time outside Mexico a man at the Mexico flu ( swine flu ) died. It is said that this is a small child from Texas, USA act. More information is currently unknown.
Until now, the disease process in all countries except Mexico expired very mild.

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Current Situation in Germany (old)

blue = suspected case
yellow = suspected case negative
red = confirmed swine flu
green = convalescent swine flu

UPDATE (30.04.09 - 14.24 clock): Not out of date. Please look in recent posts!

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2 more cases of swine flu in Germany

was announced yesterday found the swine flu in a person from Regensburg already (we reported), today, 2 more cases of the deadly Mexico virus (H1N1) was identified . Thus
to have infected a returnee from Mexico Kulmbach with the deadly virus.
Another case was released this morning by Robert Koch Institute confirmed. Accordingly, a 22-year-old woman from Hamburg with the swine flu have infected.

all 3 people it's the hour well under the circumstances. They are all treated with Tamiflu . We will keep you informed.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Hygiene Prevention is half the battle

first Regularly wash your hands (up 10-mal/Tag)
• before eating and touching the food in all corridors and toilets if you are coming from outside in..

second Disinfect your hands and surfaces
• Insert a small bottle of alcohol (50-60 ml of ethanol, about 2 Euro in the pharmacy) in your pocket, alternatively, take Dettol, etc. Sterilium

third Avoid sharing personal items
• All things directly to the body (especially saliva) are related, you should at work do not share with other colleagues.

4th Cough and sneeze without infecting others so
• Call from coughing and sneezing of others so as not to infect viruses through tiny droplets in the air.

5th Keep your hands off her face
• Who unconsciously often perceived in the mouth or eyes transfers Viral pathogen of his hands directly into his mucous membranes.

6th Pay attention to hygiene in your clothes and in your home
• Change daily underwear and shirts, towels and sheets every two weeks. Wash at 60 degrees (even if the recommended detergent often only 30 degrees).

7th Be already prepared if the flu cases increase
• Store a pack of respiratory masks (50 pieces 10 €, pharmacy) a. They prevent you from infecting others - or themselves become ill.

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first case of swine flu confirmed in Germany

There are unconfirmed reports should follow a first case of swine flu have been actually confirmed. The man from Regensburg, it is alleged that a traveler who returned to Germany a few days ago, and complained of the typical flu symptoms .

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WHO calls warning level 4 from

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has increased because of the swine influenza H1N1 the warning level. The Organization in Geneva, she raised from level three to four. This is the highest level, which was proclaimed in the history of this alert system. Even with the bird flu "only" warning level 3 was declared. There are six stages. The WHO justified this decision with a significantly increased risk for the global spread of Swine flu.

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number of deaths caused by swine flu continues to rise

The number of dead by swine influenza People this morning were corrected for 153rd So far are all dead from Mexico.

The number of people already infected around the globe is now no longer clearly quantifiable. You can now "start from a 5-digit number," the WHO

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Three other suspected cases in Germany

Three Mexico travelers who have returned a few days ago to Germany, shows the typical symptoms the to swine flu , says Jörg Hacker, director of the Robert-Koch Institute.
The results of the samples are still to be with them earlier than expected today evening. We will keep you informed.

Meanwhile, put a first quick test of yesterday out to be negative Bielefeld reported suspected cases. The end result is also pending.

Monday, April 27, 2009

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swine flu arrived in Germany?

Two men who turned a Mexico trip to Germany, were suspected to be related to the deadly swine flu in an isolation ward in Bielefeld. A member of the two had apparently been infected also with them at the swine influenza (H1N1 ), so the health department Bielefeld.

All three patients are the typical symptoms of have swine flu, including a highly-feverish cold.

- Link to the Health Department Bielefeld

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The swine flu on the rise

The swine flu - also known as flu pathogen H1N1 (or swine influenza ) announced
broke the first time in front of about one week, in Mexico City .
The latest figures from Mexico are terrifying and alarming: The swine flu added to the time of writing this article has 103 dead and called for the moment the number of suspected cases is over 10,000.
through the rain and air travel between U.S. and Mexico is the flu season spilled directly into the United States. Here are so far still no deaths but more than 10 diseases have been reported.
since last Saturday are also the countries New Zealand, Israel, Spain and Italy reported disease cases of avian H1N1 . Many countries now discouraged from traveling to Mexico and from the airports are special precautions taken. Since the swine flu transmits via droplets, the wearing of mouthguards is strongly recommended.

- FAZ article