The KUF 2010, the summer program has marie the church youth initiated. But as colorful, loud and unusual as in those five days in the house is in Solling Dassel it to early September next to us. After
are ecumenical Church in Munich and the State Youth Camp Verde invited her warmly in the marie. On Saturday 19 June 20 clock celebrates the dance project 2010 "A Love Song - Lessons in humility" (see flyer) its opening night, and her fourth marie Birthday. There will be a long summer and evening. Tickets will available from mid-May in the House of Books and available in the Youth Church. More shows are on Sunday 20 June, at 16 and 20 clock instead. In July it will
in youth church itself quietly: A total of four hours are free with participants from eight to 20 years, beginning on the road and have a memorable summer vacation together. And to then once again to see them meet in the course marie. And while a leisure service on Sunday 22 August, by 17 clock. There, the premiere of this summer's fairy tale can be seen. The
Teamer free time going this year for the fifth consecutive year to Italy, is celebrating its Conclusion but only on Friday, 3 September, from 19 clock with an Italian night. To which all parents, friends, relatives and interested people are invited! We feuen forward to seeing you.
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