Monday, December 6, 2010

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marie celebrates Saturday with Cinderella Premiere

Two additional performances on Sunday - platforms for the audience

After more than two-month rehearsal period, it is this coming Saturday, 11.12.2010, finally. The church youth marie the Winter's Tale 2010 "Cinderella" lists. "In the last five years we have come to us again and again something special for our guests, so again this year. The last five rows are on raised platforms, in the last row are our guests now three feet high. So we can offer everyone a brilliant view of the stage. " Fleischmann said Sebastian, one of three directors.

Who wants to know the different characters of the play before, this can do on the internet blog of the Winter's Tale at Since 01 December presents marie there every day a part.

The premiere is sold out at this, but for the other two performances on Sunday, 12.12.2010 at 16 and 19 clock, there are still tickets at the House of Books, the Einbecker cinemas and youth church.

Youth Church marie is looking forward to many many visitors.


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