MPU: many rumors
The medical-psychological assessment - the MPU ("idiot test") that exist in Germany since the 1950s, has your roll-call originating in the work of the popular press and in the master table discussions (about the time involved learner drivers). For the foundation of creation was not then the new division of revoked, but the examination for candidates who have passed their driver's license test and not the third attempt. Similarly stammtisch charged as many are today's rumors out there on the MPU.
These rumors relate mainly to the expiration of the MPU, allegedly arranged for the will that the candidate must provide two successive balls. This is physically impossible. But apparently - so the myth - precipitated by the applicant, if the procedure did not succeed. Here it is advisable in such conversations to keep calm and ask the propagator of the rumors on the Demonstration of the experiment. Finally now all blasphemers will be quiet. Another rumor is based on the fact that the candidates fill out questionnaires supposedly so-called aggression and personality questionnaires would have to be determined on the basis even before the test results.
Also this myth not true. These questionnaires were there in the 1970s but really short during a test phase. They proved themselves and were therefore not soon abolished. Today there are only short of the MPU questionnaires relating their contents to the individual circumstances and involve mainly biographical information and information profession. Possibly. individual questions also go on the ability of the candidate's history as well as any pre-existing conditions. You are not the basis for decisions of the respective experts.
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