negative impact on the future
case of traffic offenses in court revoked the license and also is a blocking set. Upon vesting, there is no legal right for the person concerned a re-delivery of the license. There must be an examination of the driver licensing authority if the person concerned is likely to lead to a motor vehicle.
In many cases, the license after the expiration of the temporary ban will be issued without a problem. Lie legally defined Have occurred before, permit a doubt the driving ability of those affected will be the test procedures of the MPU ("idiot test") is necessary. The aim of the MPU ("idiot test") is to determine whether risk of repetition. This method comprises the following components: medical tests, psychological tests and individual interviews. All tests meet scientific standards and generally accepted methods. All the results will be transmitted to a corresponding report. The opinion must be expressed in plain language and understandable for the victims.
For those concerned it is important to know that he is the only customer for an MPU opinions. No one can be forced to undergo such a procedure. Against this background, data subjects in detail paying attention to what they are signing before the examination should be accepted under any circumstances, that the findings of the MPU ("idiot test") will be immediately passed to the driver licensing authority. Because negative results could have an impact worse than no results.
It should be ensured in any case that the person (the principal) of the first opinion is informed and the possibility of examining the results (possibly by an appointed lawyer) has.
A negative Result of the MPU ("idiot test") is ten years in the license file saved.
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