Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ranch King Lawn Mower Snow

welcome ...

... in the new year and new blog.

As a proud owner of the site I should be more play in the net and so now finally: blogging! As a gender consultant, I will try to place entertaining information on gender policy issues, such as the gender experience of the month. So I've finally taken over the Christmas period once the cultural section of the Süddeutsche Zeitung closer to take a closer look. I read this newspaper every day and really good find, but for me the feature pages but wonder: at best boring and at worst annoying (ok, except raisins). Empirical results of my mini-analysis here soon.

Otherwise, I promise reflections between gender theory and practice, for example, currently I am interested in the question of knowledge production and Wissenshierarchisierungen in intra-and extra-academic space in the what I would call gender discourse. Who in and who should not be in this discussion, would be a first question.

Finally, always amusing and illuminate why the Beissreflexionen against everything that has to do with gender, be drawn from the middle range of media (FAZ, Focus, Spiegel) to fundamentalist Christ_innen to the clear right corner - with interesting structural reasoning analogies. Since it is probably a or enter other controversy - because the sober's factual arguments, I do all day other than gender consultant.


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