Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Tendonitis

Better bold hypotheses as false statements

The Frankfurt General Sunday paper published earlier this month an article on the gender-political position of President of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Thomas Krueger. "Gender has long been mainstream - even within the Union", the author Eckart Lohse (and thats the first false statement). Thomas Krüger at the opening of the conference "The flexible sex "in October last year held a significant opening statement informed. It contains so beautiful (and correct) statements like: "It is part of a contemporary democratic society, to dare more freedom. ! From non-hierarchical partnership of equals, of a gender equitable world, we ultimately benefit all "

Now subtitled the Fasz: "In the Federal Agency for Civic Education, the President bold assumptions about men and women. Hardly anyone moves on "- except the author of the contribution Fasz course and a few men from the CDU / CSU and the very Catholic Church. For example, the Forum German Catholics on 11/09/2010 Krueger demanded resignation, quote: "If now come from Germany theories that destroy the essence of man, which in its very nature unique man or woman is" I actually always thought we were human because we - in contrast to animals - "naturally" are rational. If I have fooled me because? And I would be as rational to point out that the use of the word 'nature' has always been a nasty trick was to prevent any controversy. Naturally, had the "woman" also a long time such a small brain, that they should never see a university from the inside ...

Back to Fasz: The problem with gender mainstreaming is that the concept of gender "... to be hijacked by those who bold theories and ideologies represented the fact that the human race is only a product of authoritarian education and the norm of heterosexual cohabitation between men and women reflects a perfidious repression system. "I'd like to know where the author of this exotic definition of gender has. I 've graduated to that concept and I do not come under this radically simple concept. Scientifically, So this statement we can no longer be called hypothesis (neither straight nor bold), but clearly a false statement because the professional discourse is not at this very complex version hergibt.

are so much closer in real terms to the existing gender systems Krueger's remarks: "achieve justice and an exchange of equals, can own position, his own experience, your own body and your sexuality will not be declared longer the norm, the all other versions are considered inferior deviations that need to be at best tolerated. Finally, long ago, all forms of cohabitation, far from social relations and identities . Describe diverse than outdated binaries and oppositions can "(quoted from the speech, see link above)

My bold theory of the day: The author has no idea Fasz of gender theories. And I will not have to. A classic and very unnaturgemäßer case self-inflicted immaturity.


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