Friday, January 14, 2011

What Does Roach Fecal Matter Look Like

media masculinism

The Süddeutsche Zeitung stands for quality journalism and I really appreciate them very . If not for this feature. This is usually so boring that the profile only helps. Although it really is just culture to the sparkling fields of social life, the editors accomplished in almost all spending a little time travel - in the past: Obituaries, seventieth birthday parties, portraits and almost always white, old, male are cultural Schaffer in the foreground.
therefore arises for the reader inclined but the question is: What does the mean by "culture"? And: Who are writing about? Do I belong perhaps just not the target audience?
In order to investigate this, I made around Christmas (Urlaub!) a little analysis and even counted the persons shown in posts in focus, who will be appointed who will be ready to buy, who writes. Since age and education level and other social features can, unfortunately, difficult to access from the texts, I have sex - if it can be inferred from a name - to my category of analysis made.
The Gendertheoretisierenden now before I throw right dramatization and sex-counting. Ok. I am aware that this is a very crude method, which makes no reference to content, context and value systems. That would be interesting but also very time consuming. I do if I have four weeks vacation at a time (never).

The expenditure of 18.12. to 27.12.2010 I buttoned me (exclusive of "media" and "knowledge"). Each entry was collected, including agency reports, there were a total of 113 texts. Here are the results:

men share
share women
men in percent
first Person in focus
second Obituaries / portraits
third Entries
4th Review written by
5th Illustrated People / Figures

first Person to watch: The person or persons named in the title or subtitle and is the focus of the review were recorded.
second number of obituaries, and portraits of men and women
third number of mentions of men and women each in a post. Here, the focus person standing was not counted, as they are covered in another category. Also, any person mentioned in a post that has been recorded only once. What matters is the naming of a person or figure.
4th sex of the author or the author of the article
5th figures: If the post with Photos was provided: gender of the person or persons that have been mapped. However, crowd / large groups were not counted. If the sex of a person not in male / female categorized, it was also not covered.

Yet even small content Notes: were
· The responses called 17 of the 128 women in lead of men so as wife, lover, girlfriend or daughter of the focus person standing male.
· to "persons depicted": Women come here before with just over a quarter still the most common. However, there is no single individual in the period portrait of a woman - with the exception of the figure Tamara Drew, which is represented as a cartoon drawing. Women like to be shown in their relation to men, as in the caption: Brecht ... "next to his girlfriend Paula Banham. Representations of Women also once purely on appearances from: "A plump woman in traditional costume hat. Actress Teri Polo to Robert to see De Niro, caption: "paternal access." A DVD cover shows three women are wearing light clothing to the main character lolling. I counted them all (grudgingly and with the firm intention, but still make a substantive analysis ...)

So: In art and culture to this day it may move more male-heavy. But well over 80 percent in almost all categories? That says something about it primarily from what the editor offers us a real cutting. My suspicion: the overuse, the unequal gender representation by a traditional choice of subject, a personalized representation, stereotyping patterns of gender and the suppression of gender relations as a topic, the cultural scene. Such a bias times (one-sided representation in favor of men) could be in a reasonably joint world as easily called masculinism. But somehow upset about it no one really. Except me. But that probably comes from the fact that I just do not belong to the target group ...

PS: After this text was finished, I hit the bedroom on today and lo and behold: a three-column for the seventieth birthday of Faye Dunaway. With picture! And: The singer Catarina Valente eighty years old. Even with images! Thanks SZ!


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